2018년 결산

music/album 2018. 12. 31. 02:59 |

2018년에 구입한 음반들입니다. 일을 시작하면서 개인적인 시간이 줄어들었지만, 어느 때 보다도 음악을 가장 많이 들었던 한 해가 아니었나 생각해봅니다.

다만 주변 사람들을 만날 시간이 줄어들었다는 점이 크게 아쉬움으로 다가오는 한 해 였기도 합니다.

2018년에 발매한 음반들은 재발매를 포함하여 볼드로 표시하겠습니다.

Alcest - Souvenirs d'un autre monde

Alcest - Ecailles De Lune

Amorphis - Skyforger

Amorphis - Queen of Time

Anekdoten - Vemod

Angra - Temple of Shadows

Archgoat - Angelcunt (Tales of Desecration)

Archgoat - Whore of Bethlehem

Archgoat - The Light-Devouring Darkness

Archgoat - Heavenly Vulva (Christ's Last Rites)

Archgoat - The Apocalyptic Triumphator

Archgoat - The Luciferian Crown

Barren Earth - A Complex of Cages

Bell Witch - Longing

Bell Witch - Four Phantoms

Bell Witch - Mirror Reaper

Beyond Creation - Algorythm

Blood Incantation - Starspawn

Boris - Pink

Brutal Truth - Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses

Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus

Candlemass - King of The Grey Islands

Candlemass - Death Magic Doom

Carbonized - For The Security

Cathedral - Forest of Equilibrium

Cave In - Antenna

Cave In - Perfect Pitch Black

Clutch - Book of Bad Decisions

Converge - Axe to Fall

Converge - The Dusk In Us

Coroner - R.I.P

Coroner - Punishment For Decadence

Coroner - No More Color

Coroner - Metal Vortex

Coroner - Grin

Corrosion of Conformity - IX

Corrosion of Conformity - No Cross No Crown

Crescent Shield - The Stars of Never Seen

Cult of Luna - The Beyond

Dark Angel - Darkness Descends

Dark Angel - Leave Scars

Dark Angel - Time Does Not Heal

Dark Suns - Existence

Doomriders - Darkness Come Alive

Dvne - Asheran

El Patron - The Alliance

Entombed - Left Hand Path

Esoteric - Esoteric Emotions - The Death of Ignorance

Esoteric - The Pernicious Enigma

Eyehategod - Eyehategod

Evoken - Quietus

Evoken - Antithesis of Light

Evoken - Hypnogogia

Fates Warning - Parallels

Fates Warning - Perfect Symmetry

Fates Warning - A Pleasant Shade of Gray (Limited

Fates Warning - Inside Out

Fates Warning - Disconnected

Fates Warning - FWX

Fates Warning - Darkness in a Different Light

Gallileous - Necrocosmos

Gallileous - Voodoom Protonauts

Gardenian - Soulburner

Ghost Brigade - IV: One with the Storm

Hellwitch - Syzygial Miscreancy

High On Fire - Death Is This Communion

High On Fire - Electric Messiah

Hooded Menace - Ossuarium Silhouettes Unhallowed

Horrendous - Idol

Isis - Oceanic

Isis - Panopticon

Kalmah - The Black Waltz

Lake of Tears - Black Brick Road

Loss - Despond

Loss - Horizonless

Moon Safari - Himlabacken vol.1

Moonsorrow - V : Havitetty

Morbid Saint - Spectrum of Death

My Shameful - Of All The Wrong Things

Nocturnal Rites - Shadowland

Novemvers Doom - Aphotic

Nuclear Assault - Game Over / The Palgue

Nuclear Assault - Handle With Care

Obscura - Diluvium

Om - Pilgrimage

Pain of Salvation - The Perfect Element I

Pain of Salvation - Remedy Lane

Paradise Lost - Medusa

Persefone - Shin-Ken

Power Trip- Nightmare Logic

Rapture - Songs For The Withering

Redemption - The Fullness of Time

Redemption - The Origins of Ruin

Redemption - Snowfall On Judgment Day

Redemption - The Art of Loss

Redemption - Long Night's Journey Into Day

Riverside - Out of Myself

Riverside - Anno Domini High Definition

Riverside - Shrine of New Generation Slaves

Riverside - Love, Fear And The Time Machine

Riverside - Wasterland

Sepultura - Schizophrenia

Sepultura - Beneath The Remains

Sepultura - Arise

Seventh Wonder - Mercy Falls

Seventh Wonder - Great Escape

Seventh Wonder - Tiara

Sinister - Diabolical Summoning

Skeletonwitch - Devouring Radiant Light

Skepticism - Lead & Aether

Skepticism - Alloy

Skepticism - Ordeal

Sleep - The Sciences

Soilwork - Natural Born Chaos

Soilwork - Figure Number Five

Solstice - White Horse Hill

Spectral Voice - Eroded Corridors of Unbeing

Spellcaster - Night Hides the World

Spiritual Beggars - Earth Blues

Subrosa - For This We Fought The Battle of Ages

Suffocation - Effigy of The Forgotten

Suffocation - Pierced From Within

Tempel - On the Steps of the Temple

The Chasm - A Conscious Creation From The Isolated Domain - Phase I

The Night Flight Orchestra - Sometimes The World Ain`t Enough

The Ocean - Heliocentric

The Ocean - Anthropocentric

The Ocean - Pelagial

The Ocean - Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic (Box Set)

Vanden Plas - Christ 0

Vassline - Permanence

Vektor - Black Future

Vektor - Outer Isolation

Vektor - Terminal Redux

Wolverine - Communication Lost

YOB - Clearing The Path To Ascend

YOB - Our Raw Heart

- 2018년 신보중에서 가장 인상깊게 들었던 음반입니다. 애초에 신보 비중이 높지 않아서 선정에 의미가 있을지 모르겠지만 대체적으로 좋은 평가들을 받았던 음반이라 생각됩니다.

Amorphis - Queen of Time

Barren Earth - A Complex of Cages

Evoken - Hypnogogia

High On Fire - Electric Messiah

Seventh Wonder - Tiara

Sleep - The Sciences

The Night Flight Orchestra - Sometimes The World Ain`t Enough

The Ocean - Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic (Box Set)

YOB - Our Raw Heart

- 올 해에는 기존에 잘 듣지 않았던 스래쉬 메탈, 데스 메탈, 프록 메탈을 꽤 많이 접했다는 점에 의의를 두고 싶군요. 

신보를 제외한 만족스러웠던 음반 10장만 꼽아보겠습니다(여러 음반이 있을 경우 밴드 당 하나의 음반씩만 고르도록 하겠습니다). 좋은 음반들이 많이 있었습니다만 그냥 10장만 고르겠습니다.

Coroner - R.I.P

Dark Angel - Darkness Descends

Dvne - Asheran

Fates Warning - Disconnected

Loss - Horizonless

Morbid Saint - Spectrum of Death

Nuclear Assault - Handle With Care

Redemption - The Origins of Ruin

Spiritual Beggars - Earth Blues

Vektor - Black Future
